FLORE – Lointains Souvenirs
Exhibition from 3rd July to 23rd September, 2017
« With these tiny offerings of suspended time, FLORE enriches our perspective, revealing a world of secret, undiscovered spaces” . Susana Gállego Cuesta Curator of the photography collection, Petit Palais, Paris.
This summer, during the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles, Julia de Bierre and Francoise Bornstein are delighted to present the artist FLORE and her ’Distant Memories.’
Her photographic series, inspired by the early life of Marguerite Duras in Indochina and the fruit of a long slow journey which took the artist from Saigon to Sadec, from the banks of the Mekong to the rice fields of Cochin , is displayed to perfection in the18th century celadon- green petit salon of Galerie Huit Arles. The artist has used Baryta paper to create her subtle pigment prints, in black & white or colour.
In this long distance journey FLORE , by exploring her own family history, and using her intimate knowledge both of the region and of Duras’ texts , becomes an outstanding ‘translator’ of the celebrated writer’s personal mythology.

© Flore, Courtesy Galerie Sit Down
In collaboration with Galerie SIT DOWN

About the Artist
In 2008, after 10 years working for the national press , FLORE decided to devote herself full-time to her own work.The result of a long-term vision, often involving journeys, her work has been acquired and presented in prestigious institutions including the Petit Palais Museum, The National Library of France, the MMP+of Marrakech, The Rivesaltes Memorial, as well as in art fairs world-wide.
Her series « A Frenchwoman in the Orient » was published in 2014 by Postcart, and exhibited during the Mois de la Photo in Paris.
In parallel to her artistic activity FLORE is an accomplished teacher, organising regular workshops.
She is represented by several international galleries.
She defines her poetic, timeless universe as a political act, her way of making a stand against ‘the darkness of the contemporary world’ as described by Giorgio Agamben.
Petit Palais, Musée des Beaux-Arts de la Ville de Paris
Le Musée de la Photographie et des Arts Visuels de Marrakech Bibliothèque nationale de France
Mémorial du Camp de Rivesaltes
Galerie du Château d'Eau de Toulouse
Collection Hubert de Wangen
Collection Ely-Michel Ruimy
Diverses collections privées en Europe, au Maroc, États-Unis et Japon.