Francesco Pergolesi – Heroes
Exhibition from July 6th to September 20, 2015
“Every portrait is a project in and of itself. In the beginning, each portrait was the result of a chance encounter: written and rewritten, then prepared in several stages, as if directing a scene from a play. The actors and the set design are part of a reality; I simply give them a rôle to play that I then hide between the lines: mythological or romantic figures inspired by the atmosphere and the peculiarity of the place and it owner. ” Francesco Pergolesi

Paul, 2014. © Francesco Pergolesi, Courtesy Galerie Huit Arles

About the Artist
Francesco Pergolesi was born in Venice in 1975 and lives between Rome and Barcelona. Artist and photographer, his work explores the territory of portraiture, where people and places are represented as characters in a theatre, rich with illusions and improbable relationships.
In 2014 Francesco Pergolesi was Artist-in-Residence at Galerie Huit Arles.